RD 2092 RFQ Available
The Reclamation District 2092 Request for Qualifications Grayson Riverbend Preserve Floodplain Restoration Project - June 2021 is available for downloading here.
From the RFQ introduction:
"RD 2092) is seeking qualifications from habitat restoration professionals to complete project management, riparian restoration implementation, and monitoring of project progress. The qualified restoration project team will be selected based on their demonstrated and verifiable experience installing landscape scale habitat restoration projects; performing project management requirements including accounting, invoicing, and reporting for multi-million dollar grants and contracts; and performing highly specialized monitoring protocols including vegetation monitoring composed of composite UAV-borne data multispectral sensors and LiDAR to provide high resolution data on plant health and canopy structure, the characterization of floodplain and channel margin complexity through UAV imagery and UAV-borne LiDAR including ground-based real-time kinematic (RTK) mapping, water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, turbidity, and chlorophyll concentrations will be monitored on the EXO2 sonde to characterize changes in primary productivity in the river channel, and hydrologic monitoring to quantify floodplain inundation extent using a combination of UAV photography during flooding events and strategically deployed pressure transducers."